Moms check out “The 50 Pound Slim Down”!

Moms Fat loss Program

How would you like to be 50 pounds lighter 12 months from now?

50 pounds comes out to about 3 pants sizes.

Can you image how you would look 3 sizes smaller? You’d look like a whole new, younger person.

It’s actually much easier than you think.

I’m not talking about invasive, costly surgery, dangerous pills or potions, or grueling routines.

All it takes is losing one pound each week. One measly pound.

Hang with me for a minute and I will break it down mathematically. A pound is 3,500 calories—spread that over 7 days and you need a 500 calorie deficit each day to lose 1 pound in a week.

Your 500 calorie deficit can be done by a combination of increased calorie exertion (exercise) as well as a decrease in calories consumed (eating less).

Follow these steps:

First, record your normal weekly exercise – look at everything from walking to participating in sports to exercising in the gym. This is your starting point. From here you’ll need to burn an additional 3500 calories on top of your normal weekly exercise.

If you don’t currently exercise, then any new activity will count towards your 3500 calorie weekly goal.

Second, record your normal weekly food intake – this may be an eye-opener when you see how many calories you eat in a day. Record everything honestly, since you are only cheating yourself by not recording everything. Calculate the total number of calories that you eat in an average day.

Now divide the 3500 calories between your activity list and your food list. You could choose to eliminate 1000 calories each week and burn off an additional 2500. Or you may decide to burn 3000 calories and eat 500 fewer calories.

Here are 7 simple ways to cut 250 calories:

Drink plain coffee instead of a sweetened holiday coffee drink. Flavored coffee drinks are delicious but filled with way too much sugar. Drop 250 calories (or more) when you stick with plain coffee or tea instead of sugar-filled holiday coffee drinks.

Don’t skip meals! Skipping and saving up calories for a big dinner? This only slows your metabolism down and causes your body to store more calories! If you are in a rush, don’t skip meals! Do what I do carry a meal replacement bar or have a quick healthy shake that tastes good and is fast and easy to make! No milk required!

For more information on the bars or shakes just click on link above!

Just say NO! to the holiday treats. A single slice of fruitcake may seem innocent enough, besides everyone is eating them at the office meeting, why shouldn’t you? You know that all those holiday treats are packed with fat and calories. For each tempting treat that you refuse to eat, imagine the 250 calories falling off of your waistline, and smile to yourself.

Jog or walk for 30 minutes. Want in on a little secret? The hardest part about a simple 30 minute jog is the act of getting your shoes on and walking out the door. It’s true. If you are not quite there start with marching, jogging on the spot while you watch your favorite tv show!

Exchange 20 oz of regular soda for water. You know that soda is filled with tons of sugar, so why are you still drinking it? Every time you crave an ice cold cola picture swallowing spoonfuls of white sugar. That’s probably the easiest way to weight gain. Stick with water and kiss those extra calories goodbye.

Swim laps for 30 minutes. If your response to my jogging suggestion was ‘I have bad joints’, then you are in luck. Swimming is one of the best aerobic activities you can do, and it is impact-free. When you swim you recruit your entire body, a process which requires lots of energy—AKA calories.

Eat an apple instead of a cookie. Do you always go for something sweet after dinner? While your first instinct may be to reach for a cookie or a bowl of ice cream, why not consider what nature has to offer? Fruit is sweet, natural and lower in calories than traditional desserts.

Come give my fitness routine a try. I have the whole calorie-burning equation down to a science, and I’d love nothing more than to help you achieve your fitness goal. My workouts have been known to burn up to 500 calories at a time, so what are you waiting for? For those interested I have only a few spots left for one on one training and I also offer coaching via the phone and email. All your workouts will be sent to you, we will set up a program that works for you and your schedule and activity level. Every workout is customized to your needs and how you will be working out.  Not sure if this is for you? Call Tamara for a no obligation consultation to help you get started for the new year. Find out more about Tamara and let her know what you are looking for click on the link AMF Coaching Forms.

Losing 50 pounds in 12 months is very possible. Simply use the tips above to create your daily 500 calorie deficit and you’ll be shedding the weight in no time.

And if you’d rather have me do most of the work for you, then call or email to set up your no obligation consultation. Contact me at 604.783.6022 or email using the contact me button at the top of the screen!

When you work with me, there’s a good chance that those 50 pounds will come falling off in less than 12 months. That wouldn’t be so bad, would it?

I look forward to your success!


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