Moms would you like a flat tummy for Christmas!

Parties, office lunches, lingering chocolate and baked goods.

Are you feeling tempted or worse yet is your waistband expanding?

If you are suffering from Christmas food overload here are a few tips to avoid gaining the holiday 5 pounds.

1. Eat breakfast, ensure that you jump start you metabolism for the day.

2. Pack healthy snacks that you can snack on before the holiday lunch.

Easy snacks are sliced apples with natural peanut butter, almonds and sliced veggies or fruit.

I personally travel with almonds, an apple, water and a meal replacement bar. Check out the shakes and bars I

recommend to my friends and family. They areĀ gluten free, trans fat free, high quality meal replacements that make losing weight easy!

3. Stay hydrated, drink a cup of water before you eat your meals.

4. Remember your portions sizes,

* Fill up on raw veggies and fruit,

* Add a lean protein that is the size and thickness of the palm of your hand,

* The size of your fist for carbohydrates ie. rice, potates, pasta

5. Create a plan, what will you eat before your party or lunch so you don’t arrive ravenous.

I always have a quick shake so I am satisfied and my body has what it needs so I don’t go crazy on the processed foods.

6. Keep your hands busy with a drink like soda water and a splash of cranberry.

7. Remember drinks add up calories fast, so careful with the holiday cheer

8. Wear tight pants with a baggy shirt, stay away from the comfy expandable waist pants!

8. Last but not least keep your goals for your body and health clear in your mind!

If you really want more willpower, motivate yourself by trying on your bikini and take a picture.

Keep it handy, when you feel like giving up and want to binge on all the high calorie, high fat christmas foods, take a peak to remind yourself why!

Guaranteed it will keep you in check!

Little steps everyday will help you lose the fat and make you feel in control of your body.

Be prepared, eat regularly and indulge in a few of your favorite christmas treats!

When you approach the holidays with a plan and a goal you will be thrilled when your jeans are loose and not tight when Christmas is all over!

If you want additional tips on losing fat and improving energy sign up for my free ebook on the top right corner.

Let me know how you handle all the christmas temptations!

What have been your challenges?

I would love to hear from you, please post a comment below.

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