10 Best Fat Loss Tips for Moms

1. Skip the bagel and cream cheese and eat a healthy breakfast!

Try my favorite easy and fast morning shake.

*  1 cup ice
* 1 cup purified water
*  2 scoops of vanilla isalean shake
*  1 scoop of orange “Want more energy”

Isalean shakes are high in nutrition and low in calories at 253 calories per serving

There is chocolate or vanilla shake, (click on vanilla shake to learn more)  my favorite is vanilla with the orange “Want more energy”! Yum!

Blend and drink!

2. Every meal and snack should contain:

A) Lean protein (egg and egg whites, turkey, low fat cottage cheese, Greek yogurt and whey proetin shake.

B) Complex carbohydrates: 12 grain bread, oatmeal, high fiber, berries, spinach.

C) Good fat: Nuts, natural nut butters, freshly ground flax seed, buy the flaxseeds and grind
fresh flax as you need. I use a coffee grinder.

3. Drink water and lots of it!! Did you know that when you are dehydrated it makes it more difficult for your body to burn fat!

4. Eat regularly, no skipping meals!

Keep your metabolism up by eating high quality food regularly!
Aim to eat every 3-4 hours.

5. Be prepared! Plan what your meals will be and always carry snacks with you.

Easy snacks to travel well are cut up veggies & almonds.

I also always carry a meal replacement bar in my purse just in case!

I have tried many bars, don’t waste your money on bars that are expensive and taste gross!
Check out isaleans bars, my favorite are the chocolate cream crisp! Click on isaleans bars to learn more.

6. Journal, take the time and you will be amazed at your progress.

My most successful clients record their food intake regularly.

Recording food allows you to make changes in your diet.

7. Get your sleep, decreasing your beauty sleep will only hinder your efforts at reducing belly fat.

8. Take your before picture!! I know the idea of putting on a bathing suit is not very appealing.

The reality is if you see what you body looks like you will be more motivated to improve it.

A picture does not ly and it is a great reminder why we don’t want fast food or why we do want to get to the gym!!

When you take your next picture in 4 weeks you will be amazed and happy to see the changes that have taken place!

9. MOVE! Yes, anything is better than nothing.

Can’t get to the gym, too cold outside? March or jog on the spot while you watch tv!

Do you need a workout that you can do at home with no equipment?

No problem sign up for my free ebook on the right hand side, there is tips and workouts for you to use at home or the gym.

10. Figure out who will support you and help you on your journey.

Get a close friend to join you on your new path, ask for your husbands help or I would be happy to support you on your fat loss journey.

If you would like some accountability, post your goals here and I will help you reach your goals!

What are your goals for 2011 and how will you reach them?

Leave me a post:)

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